
The Node. JS training course helps you gain an in-depth knowledge of concepts such as Express.js, Node Packet Manager (NPM), shrink-wrap, NPM Vet, REST, Express.js with MongoDB, and SQLite CRUD operations. This Node JS training focuses on the essential concepts of Node JS and provides hands-on experience in building an HTTP server.




  • Introduction
  • Advantages of Node JS
  • Traditional Web Server Model
  • Node.js Process Model
  • Setup Development Environment
  • Node JS Console

Node JS Modules

  • Functions
  • Buffer
  • Module
  • Module Types
  • Core Modules
  • Local Modules
  • Module.Exports

Node Package Mananger

  • What is NPM
  • Installing Packages Locally
  • Adding dependency in package.json
  • Installing packages globally
  • Updating packages

File System

  • Read File
  • Writing a File
  • Writing a file asynchronously
  • Opening a file
  • Deleting a file
  • Other IO Operations

Creating Web server

  • Creating web server
  • Handling http requests
  • Sending requests